
Thursday, September 8, 2011

"Skippy already made me eat my cig for smoking in his presence!" "Now, I want to see Skip make this guy eat his!"

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"They didn't tell me I was supposed to apply "chocolate sauce" for the contest!" "Now, I'm going to "stand out" like a "cat on a Christmas card!"

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"Once again Captain America volunteers to "jump start" the balls of guys from an alien planet with his own DNA!" "What a guy!"

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"This kid really knows how to stretch out a shirt!"

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"When I sent Skip this pic of me in the shower, I didn't expect that he would want to try it out with me in person!"

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"Ben is always asking me "How much muscle can I handle?" "My answer is as much as you can give me muscle boy!"

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"I''ve modeled with everything from briefs to truck tires!" "Chains are very macho, don't you think?"

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"I'm still waiting for my first customer in my new "Massage business!" "Maybe I should have hit the gym more before going into business!"

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"Skip told me that I have perfect "wrestling legs!" "To tell you the truth though, it's my ass that he likes best!"

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"No doubt you are wondering why I'm wearing a fur hat?" "I've wondered about that myself!"

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"I love wrestling with Skip for the "top bunk!" "Now if he would only let me win once in a while!"

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"Lucky for me, Skip and I share similar interests!"

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"I joined a nudist colony to meet some hot guys!" "But, I'm just another "swinging dick" around here!"

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"Skip found me in the shower of all places!" "He invited me to his blog to show off my muscles!"

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"I never shave or wax my chest for a BB'er contest!" "I just let Skippy do his "thing!" with his chest action on mine." "It's cheaper than a wax job, an a lot more fun!"

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"Skip likes me because I can wrestle two guys at the same time! " "I try to do everything he does!"

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"Skip said that all I need now is a Flag!" "I've already got the pole!"

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"It's crotch shots like this that earn me extra points on Skip's Blog!" "Little pete needs a new jock strap!"

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"I'm not really in the Army, but I believe in supporting our troops any way I can!" "Soldiers need love as well."

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"I'm in Skippy's accelerated "chest hair growth program!" "It's two hours a day wrestling naked with the master brillo pad himself!" Skip tells me that the more he stimulates my chest the faster my hair will grow!" "I know it's B.S., but I can't stop doing it!"

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