
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

"Hey guys!"  "Happy New Year!"  "Time to get down to some serious wretling and fucking to shed those extra pounds during the holidays!"

"Let's start off with these two hunky guys!"  "Two on one (me) is considered good odds!"  
"I just love to wrestle and fuck!

"When my new boss hired me to stock shelves, he blind-folded me in the store room!"  "I too gave him a surprise when he turned the lights on!"  "I think I've found a job for life!"

"Believe it or not, this was the only bathing suit that Skippy let me keep after wrestling my ass for the other ones!"

"The house seems so bare since all of the Christmas decorations are down!"  "Even my ass is bare!"

"I heard that the new Paperboy of the week contest will start soon!"  "Skippy judges guys based on the hardness of his dick when we pass in review!"

"I was a little old for Skippy's Paperboy of the week contest, but no matter!"  "My biceps qualify me for just about anything Skippy has in mind!"

"A good paperboy knows how to please a man!"

"I submitted this pic to Skippy's blog just in time!"  "The photographer caught me with a full load that needs to be jacked out!"  (I know that you guys can tell that...but check out my cock anyway!)

"I specialize in pulling guy's thighs apart!"  "It's a good thing to be good at!"

"Here it is the first of the new year, and I've already violated Skippy's rule about not showing tats!"  "At least this guy appreciates me!"

"Skippy bet me five bucks that he could pop this football, and that I could not!"  "He won the money of course, but I just wanted to see him do it!"

Note to the man above:  "Skippy should let me try and pop a football!"

"Well, I can't pop a football with my biceps, but I can sure rub the rubber raw until it pops next to my chest!"

"Oh sure, popping a football is easy!"  "I just squeeze it between my hairy pecs!"

 "Rub your hairy chest against this Skippy!"  "Feel the power!"

"Sure I can pop a football with my biceps!"  "Is there any doubt?"

"I'd rather just wrestle and fuck.  (or be fucked)  

"Nice big dick, and a good set of balls!"

"Skippy likes to wrestle and fuck me!"  "Since I'm a homophobe, I hate the idea of some man violating my body!"  "I only let Skippy do it because he has the muscle to do it!"  "My protests don't count much with him when he gets horny!"

"That's what I like this time of year...A nice big fat Wisconsin Summer Sausage!"

"I tried out and won Skippy's Paperboy of the week contest!"  "It was before I knew about all of my responsibilities for holding that honor!"  "My ass will never be the same!"

"I'm just sitting here waiting for some hairy muscle boy to pull my shirt off!"  "Anyone interested?"

"Don't get the wrong idea Mister!"  "I'm only doing this for the money!"  "And the jizz too of course!"

"I can see why Skippy picked you as a winner in his Paperboy of the week contest!

"Normally, I hate playing cards, but the loser get's fucked in this game!"

"Skippy took me in on Christmas eve!"  "I was the first leather guy with no tats!"

"I love the theme of this blog!"

 "I was too cocky taking Skippy on in a wrestling match!"  "What was I thinking?"  "The guys told me that he specialized in wrestling and popping muscle boy's biceps!"  "The loser gets fucked too of course!

"I didn't have any illusions of winning a wrestling match against Skippy!"  "I just rolled over so he could fuck me!"  "It was the wrong thing to do!"  "Since I didn't put up a fight for my ass, Skippy gave it to me twice as hard!"
(That's my plan for the next time as well...ha ha)

"I don't mind losing against Skippy's muscle either, but I'm getting too old for the pounding!"

"Ummm..."Wall to wall carpeting!"  (Fitted carpet in the UK)

"I like working around Skippy's place on various construction projects!"  "He tips so well (the tip of his dick) what's not to like?"

"That's what you call an "all day sucker!"  "It's the gift that keeps on giving!"

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