
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"Hey guys, it's Paperboy appreciation day!"  
Part II
 ("I don't know how part II and Part III got turned around, but enjoy!"

"I was just appointed Skippy's senior paperboy!"  "I now have control over all of the other boy's dicks and hairy asses in my charge!"
"It is my job to keep Skippy's dick satisfied sexually with fresh meat every day!" with a side of beef (me) thrown in to keep it interesting!"
"I love my job!"

"I don't mind losing the top post to the man above!"  "I can't compete with that muscle!"

"I thought I too would be winning the top spot!" (Skippy's Senior Paperboy)  
"Skippy loves hairy guys, and those with big dicks, but in the end, it's the muscle on a man that makes his final decision!"

"This is exactly how Gay men are born!"

"I didn't have enough muscle to even compete for Skippy's Senior Paperboy position!"  "I would much rather have the "lotus position"  than the top spot!"

"Hey, I worked hard to be Skippy's senior paperboy!"  "He said that I was too old!" (I'm only 19)  (Yeah right!)

"Anyway, I had lots of fun in the competition until I got fucked in the end by the top man!"  "Sure it was embarassing, but it sure felt good!"

"I see that Mr. Green is showing his appreciation for his paperboy!"  "And he better give him a generous tip as well!"  "If not, I'll send my Senior paperboy around to straighten his ass out!"

"I like the idea of Skippy having a Senior Paperboy to keep the customers, and the boys in line!"  "Every time Skip sends the boy over to check on how I'm treating my paperboy, my dick won't go down!"

"Skippy's senior paperboy has turned into a bully!"  "He fucked me senseless the other day for being a twink!"  

"Hey, I can't help it!"  "I've lodged a formal complaint to Skippy about this musclebound "senior paperboy of his!"

"Mr. Olson has me lay like this for hours while he strokes his dick!"  "I'm supposed to lick whatever comes out of his dick that gets on the rug!"  
"Maybe Skippy's senior paperboy can have a word with him!"

"I don't worry about Skippy's senior paperboy starting any shit with me!"  
"If Skippy has a beef with me, he'll have to come around himself, and not send his lackey around to do his dirty work!"

Note to the man above...."Well, I would take a more respective tone of Skippy and his Senior Paperboy if I were you!"  

"That "lackey" you call him, will wrestle and fuck your nuts off, just like he did me for saying a discouraging word!"

"Skippy and his Senior paperboy came around to show their appreciation of my accomplishments in the gym and on the mat!"  
"The quality of their jizz was excellent!"

"You're not going to report me to Skippy's senior paperboy, are you?"  "Haven't I given you the best years of my life?"

"Ah, another fountain of youth spurting out the magical fluid!"

"Take that dick you hairy paperboy!"  "Tell your superior (Skippy's Senior paperboy) to come around and get his share of the "take!"

"Hmmm!"  "Something singular has to be done with Skippy's arogant Senior Paperboy!"  
"I and a few friends tried holding him down to fuck him, but he broke away and fucked all of us for trying!"  

"I hate to go to Skippy and complain, but it has to be done!"

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