
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Left click on the image to make the man BIGGER!

"Cute and hairy little fucker!" 

"All of my buddies said that I was to pudgy for Skippy's Blog!"  "Skip posted my pic anyway!"  "He'll work the fat off of me!"

"Many guys wrote me to say that I didn't have enough smooth guys on my blog!"  "What can I say, it's a hairy man blog!"  "I mix guys like this in now and then!"  "They just have to promise me not to shave their chest!"  "Otherwise they'll get wrestled and fucked senseless!"

"Knowing this, the man below keeps breaking that rule, but he always comes back for more!"

"This man however, told me that he would never break the "House rules!"
"Good boy!"
"But, I still wrestled and fucked him anyway!"

"NASA doesn't schedule "Moon shots" like this!"  "But, NASA "does" have shots like this...just visit their beach!"

"Hairy legs are a man's best assets!"  "Especially when it comes to nude wrestling matches!"

"I don't mind if Lorenzo borrows my Superman shirt!"  "It's really his pants that I am most interested in getting into!"

"Heath Jordan makes another cameo appearance!"  "He is welcome here anytime!"

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